Sheldon High School spends an incredible amount of money on paper towels each year—revenue that could be channeled instead into supporting student programs, for example—and Sheldon Green Club aims to cut down this cost. The following projects are in play to combat this financial and environmental cost.

Paper Towel Video

A large team of students from the club are working to develop a video intended for the next school assembly where we will demonstrate to the student body that, after washing their hands, one needn't use more than a single paper towel to dry their hands. 

School-Wide Campus Installation

SGC is working with BRING recycling and 4j staff members to replace the paper towel dispensers in school bathrooms with air dryers in an effort to reduce paper towel waste. We hope to install a trial dryer soon!


The plastic waste reduction team focuses on the huge number of plastic cups Sheldon students and staff throw away each day. These cups tend to come from the school's Coffee Cart and the Dutch Bros down the street. 

Dutch Bro's

More info to come...

Coffee Cart

Les Phillipo, the teacher in charge of Sheldon's Coffee Cart, has agreed to offer a 25¢ discount on any drink (except for water) to customers who bring their own cup! Thanks Les! Now it's up to the Green Club to make sure students and staff are aware of this discount and the reason behind it. 


The LFNW program is designed to reduce the amount of compostables that end up in landfills. Sheldon High School is currently working towards joining this movement to join the huge number of Eugene businesses on this mission.